Every single one of us is unique, which means our requirements differ and the way we learn, grow, develop and seek assistance, differs too. One-size doesn’t fit all, but hopefully within one of our offerings, you’ll find the support best suited to you.
Coaching sessions are designed to assist you in getting answers to challenges you may be having in a confidential and non-judgemental setting. Coaching can be one-on-one, with your partner and/or with your children.
We offer online and in-person workshops. Workshops run throughout the year and are tailored to a specific topic or area of focus - spanning parenting, tweens, teens, wellness etc. Workshops are an interactive way of empowering those who attend them.
Mentoring can help tweens, teens and young adults as they go through challenging transitions in their lives. Mentors provide a safe space that is non-judgemental to help improve well-being by providing a role model that can support them academically, socially and/or personally.
Simply put, coaching is a process that aims to improve performance and focuses on the ‘here and now’ rather than on the distant past or future. Coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to maximise their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them.
Therapy focuses on the past and on introspection and analysis, with the hope of resolving past issues that may be impacting on your current well-being and creating a happier, more stable future. Coaching focusses more on where you are presently, assisting you in identifying and achieving your goals.
Therapy and coaching can be mutually beneficial.
Each person’s situation and requirements are different so this isn’t a one-size-fits-all scenario. However, coaching is usually short-term, and could be anywhere from 4 or 5 sessions.
I like to start with a session once a week for the first 2 sessions and then assess the frequency moving forward from there.
A really important aspect of coaching is your willingness and readiness to be coached. You have to want to be coached and you also have to have a level of commitment and responsibility to the process.
The coaching space is one of being actively listened to where your coach is supporting you in getting to where you want to be.