Affirmations for your children!

Do you have a morning mantra or affirmations that you say to yourself to start your day off positively! Or to get you through a tough time?
If not, then now is the time and even more importantly, now is the time to teach your children about affirmations.
It’s not easy being a child, especially not in this era where there is so much pressure from all angles. Children need to be taught that their brains are exceptionally powerful organs and can be trained – and can both help and hinder us. If they have the tools to get themselves through a tough day, a stressful time at school, a moment when they aren’t feeling confident in themselves, they will be able to face those tough times and build their confidence and change their mindsets.
Affirmations are incredible tools to help with these things.
If you think something, you will believe it, if you believe it, you will become it – both positive and negative.
I know that it isn’t always easy to put on a brave face and say an affirmation when you just aren’t feeling it, but if you can get over that hurdle and say it to yourself in the mirror a few times, it really does start to change your mindset.

Let your children hear you saying your affirmations – seeing is believing ☺️

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